f Na Varthalu Blog: ECIL recruitment 2011 : ECIT GET recruitment 2011 at www.ecil.co.in

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Saturday, 23 July 2011

ECIL recruitment 2011 : ECIT GET recruitment 2011 at www.ecil.co.in

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Electronics Corporation of India Limited A Government of India [DAE] Enterprise ECIL Post, Hyderabad – 500 062

Electronics Corporation of India Limited, a wholly owned Government of India Enterprise under the Department of Atomic Energy has been leader in cutting edge technologies to meet the Strategic Electronics needs of Atomic Energy, Defence, Space, Civil Aviation, Security and such other sectors of strategic, economic and social importance.
ECIL‟s technology edifice rests on the strong foundations of in-house R&D augmented by collaborations with national R&D laboratories. Engineers at ECIL have opportunities to work in some of the Core competency areas such as Automation & Control, Power Electronics & drives, SATCOM, DSP, Communication & networks, EW, Microwave & RF engineering, Mechanical & Structural design, Inertial systems & navigation, Hybrids, ASICS, VHDL, FPGA, Sensors, Actuators & Detectors, Embedded electronics, Real-time software etc. We are looking for dynamic and result-oriented young engineers for its requirement at Headquarters and Zonal/Branch/Site Offices located across India for the following positions:

Name of the post: Graduate Engineer Trainee in the disciplines of ECE, EEE, E&I, CSE, CIVIL & MECHANICAL (GEN-74, OBC-25, SC-11, ST-8 & PH -7 (backlog-3) (VH, HH & OH)
No. of vacancies: 125*
Upper age limit as on 30.06.2011: 25 YEARS
Qualification: First Class Engineering Degree with minimum 65% marks in aggregate (55% for SC/STs) from AICTE approved Colleges / Recognized Indian Universities in the relevant discipline.

Name of the post: Graduate Engineer Trainee in the discipline of BE/B Tech(Chemical) / M .Sc. (Chemistry) (GEN-1)
No. of vacancies: 01*
Upper age limit as on 30.06.2011: 25 YEARS
Qualification: First Class Engineering Degree (Chemical) / M. Sc. (Chemistry) with minimum 65% marks in aggregate (55% for SC/STs) from AICTE approved Colleges / Recognized Indian Universities in the relevant discipline.

*The vacancies are provisional and may vary depending on response / organizational needs. Note:
1. Candidates appeared / appearing for final year exams and expecting results shortly may also apply.
2. Candidates having Post Graduation qualification in Engineering are not eligible to apply. STIPEND: The selected candidates will undergo training for a period of one year on a consolidated stipend of Rs.25,790/- per month. They are also entitled for PF and subsidized transport & canteen facility, etc., as per rules of the Corporation. On successful completion of training, they will be appointed as Engineer (Contract) for a period of three years with total emoluments of Rs.35,130/- during 1st year, Rs.36,200/- during 2nd year & Rs.37,300/- during 3rd year (for all Metros) which includes variable DA and fringe benefits. On successful completion of contract appointment, they will be absorbed as Technical Officer in the scale of pay of Rs.16,400-3%-40,500/- with total emoluments of Rs.38,430/- (with DA & Fringe benefits). Further, on completion of one year service as Technical Officer, they will be considered for promotion to the post of Senior Technical Officer, in the scale of pay of Rs.20,600-3%-46,500/- depending on their performance and suitability.

Method of Selection:
1. The selection process for post at Sl. No.1 will be through a written test and interview. The written test (objective type) is of 2 hours duration on engineering degree syllabus in respective discipline through process of OMR sheet.
2. The selection process for post at Sl. No.2 will be through a written test and or Interview based on the response to the advertisement.

The written test will be held at the following cities spread all over India: Ahmedabad, Benguluru, Bhopal, Bubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna & Trivandrum.
The candidates are required to select any ONE Examination Centre only, of their choice. The centre selected once is final and cannot be changed. Details with regard to date, time and venue of written test etc., will be posted on our website. It may please be noted that no Travelling Allowance (TA) is admissible to candidates appearing for written test .

It may please be noted that no Travelling Allowance (TA) is admissible to candidates appearing for written test .


1. Qualification: First Class with 65% and above marks in aggregate in Engineering Degree is relaxed to second class with minimum 55% and above marks in aggregate for SC/ST Candidates.

2. Age: Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates. In respect of PWD candidates, belonging to SC/ST the age relaxation is 15 years; OBC for 13 years and General for 10 years. Upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years for candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir from 01.01.1980 to 31.12.1989.

Interview: Only those who are selected in the written test will be called for interview at Hyderabad. The date, time and venue of interview will be intimated by mail / SMS. The same will also be posted on our website. The candidates called for interview shall present mandatorily the following documents at the time of interview for verification. (1) On-line registered application form duly signed and with recent colour passport size photo affixed, (2) All original certificates in support of his / her date of birth, qualification, latest caste & disability (PWD) certificate along with a set of photo copies, (3) Hall ticket which was attested by the Invigilator at the time of written test & (4) Interview call letter. Failure to do so entails summary rejection of his/ her candidature. (Note: In case of Post at Sl. No 2 production of Hall ticket is applicable only if it is decided to hold written test)

Travelling Allowance is not admissible for candidates called for interview. However in respect of Out-station candidates belonging to SC/ST/PWD to and fro 2nd class rail fare by shortest route from station mentioned in the address for correspondence given in the on-line application form (within India) to Hyderabad is admissible, upon production of documentary proof. Bond: The selected candidates are required to execute a Surety & Indemnity Bond on separate non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.100/- each to serve the Corporation for a period of 4 years (1 year as Trainee + 3 years as Engineer - Contract). The amount payable for breach of contract is Rupees Three Lakhs.

1. Only Indian Nationals need apply.
2. Selected candidates may be posted anywhere in India.

3. Before applying for the post, the candidate should read the complete advertisement carefully and ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility criteria and other norms/conditions specified in all respects. Management decision on selection proceedings will be final and binding.

4. The candidate will lose his/her candidature/eligibility, in case of suppression of any factual information or furnishing of false/wrong data/non-payment of application fee wherever applicable etc. in on-line-application form and same is noticed by the Management, at any stage of recruitment process. No correspondence in this regard will be entertained.
5. Only On-line registered application form will be accepted.
6. A non-refundable Application Fee of Rs.200/- will be charged for General/OBC candidates. No Application Fee is charged for SC / ST / PWD candidates.
7. Candidates claiming to belong to SC / ST / OBC / Persons with Disabilities (Physically Challenged) shall necessarily submit a photo copy of latest certificate, at the time of interview as prescribed by Govt. of India, as the case may be, from a Competent Authority. Candidates belonging to OBC category, but falling under definition of “creamy layer” are not entitled to apply against OBC category.
8. All qualifications should be from a recognized Indian University / Institute recognized by AICTE / Appropriate Statutory Authority in notified disciplines only.
9. The candidate has to download (print) two copies of hall ticket from our website and affix his /her latest colour photo (4 X 3 cms size) on both copies as and when the same is provided on our website. One copy of the hall ticket should be submitted to the Invigilator at Examination Centre along with ECIL.s copy of SBI Pay-in-Slip towards fee wherever applicable. The other copy (hall ticket) can be retained by the candidate for future reference. Both the copies of hall tickets are to be attested (over the photo) by the Invigilator. The candidates will not be allowed for written test, in case of non-submission of 2 sets of Hall Tickets, ECIL.s copy of SBI Pay-in-slip wherever applicable to Invigilator at examination centre.
10. The details of candidates selected in written test and called for interview will be kept on our website. The schedule of interview, date, time & venue will also be placed on our website, as and when decided.
11. There will be no separate communication to any candidate on their non selection at any stage.
12. The candidates working in Govt. Departments /PSUs should route their application through proper channel or submit „No Objection Certificate. at the time of interview. Failure of either of them shall entail summary disqualification of the candidature. No TA will be admissible in such cases.
13. The application is liable for rejection at any stage of recruitment process in case submitted without enclosing necessary documents or for providing incorrect information. Further, if any other shortcoming is noticed (either at the instance of candidate or otherwise) even after appointment, his/her services are liable for termination forthwith.
14. For queries candidates may visit the website and go through the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
15. The candidate has to quote his/her system generated application number for all future correspondence.
16. The candidate has to visit our website frequently for information pertaining to (1) date of written test, (2) downloading of hall ticket for written test, (3) details of selected candidates for interview etc.
17. All future correspondence would be through E-mail ID furnished by the applicant in the on-line application-form or SMS or by post.

18. While applying on-line, the candidate has to exercise his/her choice of One Examination Centre only. No request for change of Examination Centre will be entertained. However, Management reserves the right to shift the candidate from the examination centre selected to a nearby Examination Centre depending on the response.
19. ECIL reserves the right to cancel/restrict/enlarge/modify the recruitment process, if need so arises, without assigning any reason.
20. Any Legal proceeding in respect of any matter/claim or dispute arising out of this advertisement/selection can be instituted only under the jurisdiction of Courts at GHMC (Kapra Circle).
21. ECIL will not be responsible for any postal delay/loss in transit in submission of documents. Candidates are advised to visit our website periodically for any information in this regard.
22. In case any ambiguity/dispute arises on account of interpretation in version other than English language, English version will prevail.
23. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification.

1. Eligible candidates have to apply „ON-LINE‟ through https://ecil.gov.in/ for getting connected to Advertisement details or they can use ECIL website http://www.ecil.co.in/ by selecting „Careers‟ followed by „e-Recruitment‟. The on-line application process will be operational from 25.07.2011 (1400 hrs.) to 08.08.2011 (1600 hrs.).
2. State Bank of India has been authorized to collect the non-refundable application fee on behalf of ECIL, in a specially opened Account Number 31102144119 available on our website from 25.07.2011 Candidates have to download and print the Pay-in-slip and approach the nearby SBI branch for remitting the non-refundable application fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only). The Pay-in-slip printed from the portal should only be used for depositing the fee for proper crediting of amount in the allocated Account. On receipt of the money, the Bank will allot a Journal Number, Branch Name and Branch Code. This journal number, Branch Name and branch code are to be filled-in, by the candidate while applying on-line. ECIL will not be responsible, if the candidate deposit the fee in a wrong account. There will not be any other mode of payment of application fee.
3. The candidate can take a print out of the blank application proforma provided as a link on the main page, fill up the required information (in Capital letters) as per proforma along with the application fee details and apply through On-line, so that the data furnished is error-free.
4. After applying on-line, the candidate is required to take the print out of registered on-line application form with system generated application number without fail and may be retained by him / her. Please note down your application number for future reference. The candidate can take re-print of his/her registered on-line application form before the last date for On-line registration. Write the system generated on-line application number on the ECIL copy of the Pay-in-slip form. The online application form need not be sent by post to ECIL.
5. The candidate has to sign on print-out of on-line registered application form by affixing the recent colour passport size photograph of 4 X 3 cms., and enclose the photo copies of date of birth, educational qualifications, experience if any, caste & Medical Certificate (applicable for PWD candidates only). The candidates who are selected in the written test and called for interview are only required to submit the same at the time of interview. The candidate can retain a copy of the registered on-line application form and candidate‟s copy of Pay-in-slip of application fee for future reference.


Commencement of On-line Registration of application by candidates: 
25.07.2011 1400 Hours

Last date for On-line Registration of application by candidates: 
08.08.2011 1600 Hours

Written Test (Provisional): 

Interview date: 
Communication will be made available by mail/on our Website: www.ecil.co.in only to short listed candidates from the written test.


Start of training programme (provisional): 
1st week of October, 2011

Click here for official site of ECIL

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