f Na Varthalu Blog: BA Results Nagaland University 2011 at www.nagauniv.org.in

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Friday, 24 June 2011

BA Results Nagaland University 2011 at www.nagauniv.org.in

nagaland university, nagaland university result 2011, nagaland university ba result 2011, BA Nagaland University results 2011, Nagaland University BA 2011 results, Nagaland University BA Repeater and honour results 2011, BA Repeater & Honor results Nagaland Univeristy 2011 

"The essence of a university is that it is uniquely accountable to the past and to the future - not simply or even primarily to the present. A university is not about results in the next quarter. It is not even about who a student has become by graduation. It is about learning that moulds a lifetime, learning that transmits the heritage of millennia; learning that shapes future. Hence we need to seize the initiative in defining what we are accountable for. Education is not to make men carpenters, so much as to make carpenters men. Traditional role of universities as 'Stewards of living traditions', as places for 'Philosophers as well as scientists', where learning and knowledge are pursued in part because they define what has over centuries made us human, not because they can enhance our global competitiveness. Those who long for a lost golden age of higher education should think about the very limited population that alleged utopia actually served. Colleges used to be restricted to tiny elite; now it serves the many, not just the few". Prof. Drew Gilpin Faust (Harvard University's first female President)

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