f Na Varthalu Blog: IIT JCOP Counselling 2011 : www.jee.iitk.ac.in/JCOP : JCOP counselling IITK

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Monday, 20 June 2011

IIT JCOP Counselling 2011 : www.jee.iitk.ac.in/JCOP : JCOP counselling IITK

IIT JCOP Counselling 2011 : www.jee.iitk.ac.in/JCOP : JCOP counselling IITK

IIT JCOP counselling 2011, IIT iitm, jcop, iitk, iitkgp, iitb, iitk, iit jcop, iitb, iit counselling 2011, iit d, IIT JCOP 2011 counselling, IIT JCOP admission counselling 2011, Indian Institute of Technology JCOP admission counselling 2011, IIT Kanpur JCOP online admission counselling 2011
 (www.iitk.ac.in/jcop) has created one page called IIT JCOP to educating all the candidates about the upcoming Counselling.

As you all know that this time IIT Kanpur (IITK JCOP) will conduct the JEE Counselling process on behalf of all the IITs (IIT Bombay, IIT Delhi, IIT Madras etc). www.jee.iitk.ac.in/JCOP/ is the site you all can refer for your counselling status, dates, time, schedule, result, and seat matrix process.

Today the IITK and IITB are in limelight because of the change in the schedule of the JCOP Counselling 2011 - 2012, So all the candidates are requested to check the latest dates and timing of IIT JEE Online Counselling from their website named IIT JCOP (www.jee.iitk.ac.in/JCOP/), or Please goto below direct links for your reference.


Once you entered into the IITK JCOP Site, Please check the documents and Important dates section to download the revised schedule of JEE Counselling 2011 - 2012 or check it directly from link given here.


Please enter your User ID, Registration no and password to login into the JCOP IITK site, or you still have not registered you can do so by following below link.

Please click on this +1 button you look for latest updates

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